Fellow – Material Sciences – Hydrogen Embrittlement ■ CEA-Liten

Laurent Briottet did his PhD in Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne on the modelling of void growth in a viscoplastic material. After a Post-doctoral position at McGill University concerning the modelling of the mechanical behaviour of two-phase materials, he joined CEA in Grenoble France working on material sciences on metallic materials. His skill mainly focused on material behaviour and damage under severe conditions such as cryogenic or high temperatures. Since 2006, he is in charge of the development of the lab activities dedicated to the quantification and understanding of hydrogen embrittlement of metallic materials under hydrogen gas, mainly for transport and storage of hydrogen. He has been involved in ISO/TC 058 dedicated to gas cylinders for that purpose. He participated to several French ANR Projects (CATHY-GDF, CESTAR, STHYME) or European projects (MATHRYCE) dedicated to hydrogen embrittlement issues as expert and sometimes as coordinator. Having an accreditation to direct research, he supervised several PhD in collaboration with the French labs acting on this field.